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2023 林大輝中學中一入學 Information Day      


S1 ADMISSION 2023-2024

(1) School Information Day

Our School Information Day will be held on 20th November 2022 (Sunday). An information session and a great variety of activities will be held.

(2) Application

S1 admission will commence on 21st November 2022 (Monday).

    Please read the application guidelines before doing the online application.
    The link of the online application platform will be released soon.
    Please remember to complete the Student Questionnaire.

(3) Interviews

Interviews will be held on 7th January and 14th January 2023 (Saturday). Selected candidates will be invited by email. Parents will also be invited to attend the interview with the candidate.

(4) Release of results

The application result will be released within 6 weeks after the individual interview. Successful candidates will be notified by email.


Follow us : https://facebook.com/hkexam.com/  