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The Information Day for Form One Admission will be held on 27th November, 2021. In view of the pandemic situation, the Information Day will be held online. Details are as follows:


I. Information Day for Form One Admission (Online)



27th November, 2021 (Saturday)



2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.



  1. Brief History of the School, School Mission and Vision, Catholic Value Education, Discretionary Places Allocation, School Curriculum, Student Performance and Activities
  2. Live Q & A Session (Online participants can send their questions through WhatsApp to the host. The WhatsApp number and details will be announced during the Introduction Session.)


Online Application:

Online application can be made from 1st to 12th November, 2021 (12:00 noon). To apply, click here.



Follow us : https://facebook.com/hkexam.com/  