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2022喇沙書院:Information Day      


La Salle College is holding a Form One Information Day on 26 November 2022 (Saturday) to introduce the school life and the Form One Admission process to parents of P.6 students. Meanwhile, a school tour is offered to interested students. Interested parents can complete the online registration starting from 31st October 2022 (Monday). The details are as follows:

Date : 26 November 2022 (Saturday)
Time : 8:45a.m. - 11:15a.m.
Venue : La Salle College School Hall(LG2) + Zoom Meeting Room
Rundown : 
9:00am - 10:50am   Parents: Seminar (Face-to-Face) + Webinar
                                P.5 & 6 students: School Tour
10:50am - 11:05am Q&A

Seminar (Face-to-Face) Registration

Zoom Webinar Registration

Places are limited and will be allocated on a ‘first-come-first-served basis’. Once the registration for the seminar is full, parents can register for the webinar. In due course, the Zoom Meeting login ID and password will be sent to the participants who register for the
Webinar via email.

For details, please contact the school office at 2338 7171



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