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2023 優才(楊殷有娣)書院中一入學申請      


2023-24 G7 Admission Procedures




17 October 2022

Accept G7 (2023-2024) Application

Application Form can be downloaded here.

29 October 2022

Admission Briefing *

(Time: 2:00PM – 4:00PM)

Parents are encouraged to attend this session.

An experience day will be arranged for students(P5 & P6) on a first come first serve basis. Please note the experience day is not compulsory for students.

18 November 2022

Application Due Day

Submit the application form to G.T. College(Secondary Section) School Office by 18 November 2022.

3 December 2022

First Admission Interview

Attend an interview with your child.

17 December 2022

Second Admission Interview

3 January 2023

Notification of Admission Result



* Reservation for admission briefing can be made by calling us at 2535 6867 from 7 Oct 2022 (Fri) to 25 Oct 2022 (Tue).

相關日期:2022-11-18 截止申請日期

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