(HKEXAM.COM, SSP, Band, Banding, 直資, 私立, 官立, 資助, 派位, Band 幾, 校網, 校風, 好唔好, 排名, 入大學, 老師, 校服, 校歌, 交通, 學費, 面試)" /> (HKEXAM.COM, SSP, Band, Banding, 直資, 私立, 官立, 資助, 派位, Band 幾, 校網, 校風, 好唔好, 排名, 入大學, 老師, 校服, 校歌, 交通, 學費, 面試)" /> 2022 仁濟醫院方江輝幼稚園親子歷奇遊戲體驗日 - HKEXAM.COM
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| 非牟利 | 私立獨立 | Pre-Nursery |

2022 仁濟醫院方江輝幼稚園親子歷奇遊戲體驗日      


親子歷奇遊戲體驗日Parent-Child Adventure Game Experience Day


The school will hold the 2023/24 studert interview day on November 5, 2022 (Saturday). On the same day, the "Parent-Child Adventure Game Experience Day" will be held. All children will receive a souvenir. All parents and children who come to school on that day are welcome to participate.



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